Hi there! Seems really cool! However, I'm really interested in kinda API or a workaround to pass text directly (bypassing Twitch command like "say" in Twitch Chat as shown in the tutorial). My idea is to pass ChatGPT's text straight for the TTS so that the model pronounce the provided text. Looking forward for the answer! Thanks :)
heya! feel free to come by the server and i can give you a hand to connect to the program through local websockets or webhooks. Funtionality is there we are just a bit behind in proper documentation of it
For chatgpt in particular, we will be releasing an implementation for it directly in the program on June, so in case you don't want to deal with connecting to vtspog with API, soon the program will take care of that for you :D
Getting this all setup but I'm not finding the Vnyan node graph for 3D pets. That the installation video said should be contained within the zipped package we download.
heya! i think we are already talking in twitter dms, in case not the same person, there's a 3D.zip file you can download on the itchio page that has all the 3d related files. Hope it helps!
yes! download the captions addon zip file or generate the browser source using this link that allows you to set up font style, color and such https://vtspog.com/caption/editor.html , then you just drag and drop the browser source to obs and it will auto connect to vtspog
Hi, I have issues for the audio not appearing in stream for my viewers but I can hear it fine on my end. If anyone can direct me to a tutorial on what I'm supposed to do, I'll be immensely grateful ^-^
But I like the plugin and if I manage to get the audio output to work, my chat is going to have a really great time messing with the commands
heya! If you dont want to capture vtspog audio without fully capturing desktop audio you have in general two options. The one we recommend is using this obs plugin here https://github.com/bozbez/win-capture-audio which lets you capture the audio of an specific program individually, once installed you need to capture the audio coming from vts-pog-helper.exe and you should be fine (this is the method I use myself)
The other method is by routing the audio through a virtual cable and then capturing that on obs and outputting that to your headphones/speakers, but its a a bit more complex and a bit unreliable, so I highly recommend that first method.
Hello there! I'm using OBS 29 and it has the Application Audio Capture function that seems to be a in-house version of that plugin
But the issue I'm having is the capture only has VTS-POG.exe as an option, not the vts-pog-helper.exe where the audio actually seems to be coming through.
Heya! the obs function you mention works a bit differently than that plugin. Different enough that it doesn't capture vtspog audio output. Sadly at the moment the plugin is the only option if you want to split the audio that way
I'm running into a problem where my hotkeys play normally before the TTS runs, but if the model is loaded as an item, it will not trigger at all (using regular hotkeys will still do the job). Bug or just a me problem?
heya! sounds like more of a VtubeStudio setup problem. For hotkeys inside items to run properly you need to first load the item as a normal model to set up the hotkeys with a name(important) and then move it back to the item folder. In the main model that will load the item model, you need to set up a Live2D item action and call that specific hotkey from the item (find it by the model name and by the hotkey name).
Mind you, these hotkeys are limited to mainly expressions and animations. You can always come by our discord server if you have any further questions ♥
could you add a setting that allows ppl to just type the text they want , and the app would read it without them having to do the !say command , it would be lovely
like read all chat or so the streamer can send messages? Cause we have a floating small window you can open that allows you to focus on it while playing games, type, send and then continue playing. If its reading all chat messages, it can be a bit spammy, i don't know if we want to encourage it as a core function... But i can send you a mixitup setup that will make vtspog do so if you want, just come over the server and i can guide you through it
Does the PNG mode support .gif or .Apng as frames? Or if not is that in the plans? I'm a pngtuber with an obsession with making things move ahah thank you in advance! Super cool program
heya! if you check the png browser sources theres a few that uses gif~ in case you are having problems with them though come over to our discord server and i can give you a hand worst case :D
heya! mmm could be fun. We did talk with other png oriented programs but not with them in particular. I will add it to the trello and when I finish wrapping this update i will attempt to contact the devs to see if an implementation will be possible~
yep! we are checking into it and considering the best way to go about it. We want to give enough tools so that streamers and use it while feeling safe with enough options and filters
Ayoo! Hyped for this one as well! Where I can find link for server where I can ask some question a bit easier? And also question - once I'll buy vts once, I will be able to download updates as well, right? OwO
heya! you can find our discord server link the shops page, is at the bottom. And vtspog is a one time purchase, you will always get access to all future updates :D
I'm a mute and content creator. Would this work to only speak things that the streamer types in chat... so that there is audible feedback of what I type, think it would give the stream more life than my avi just being there not talking. If not im interested in commissioning this...
heya! we dont have that in particular but we DO HAVE an optional popup windows you can open that does that. Basically if you are playing the game and you have that windows open, you can press F1 , type, press enter, the message you typed will be read and then continue gaming if that makes sense.
Feel free to come by to our server and i can send you a video of how that works if you want. You can also show that text on screen too as an overlay in obs or streamlabs
Hiya does anyone know if most recent version has a kill switch for TTS in progress? I shut down the program but th TTS continues to play without being cut off.
heya! make sure you didnt send it to tray by accident, but yes, there's also a hotkey you can bind to fully disable tts from playing and processing. If you have any more questions do come by to our discord server that you can find in the shop page and we probably can give you a better hand there ♥
heya! no, but you can set up the chat messages some chatbot generate onalerts to trigger a tts response, check on the server in the faq at the end, noctapus put an image explaining it https://discord.gg/cCXksNG8fY
If its not clear enough, feel free to ask in chat there and i will try to give you a hand
Yeah, hi the one having issues is me. To summarize, the program worked when i first set it up, it read the 'pog online pog' line, then i clicked on amazon poly out of interest then switched back to stream elements then suddenly no voice. I shut down the plug in and loaded it back up and then suddenly, without me changing the text my tts will only say "Boop boop boop" regardless of the fact it says 'pog online pog' in the tts line, or whatever the channel point redeem says. I've tried shutting down the plug in, but every time now it's just boop boop boop.
heya! check the banned words, theres a bug where if you left a comma at the end seems to ban ALL words by accident. It will be fixed in the next update, sorry for the trouble. IF you cant fix it with that, please make a thread in the discord server and we will try to give you a hand to make it work ♥
Am I missing the option to choose a port to connect to or will this be added later? I use 2 instances of VTS to have a 2nd model loaded in, but this defaults to port 8001. It would be nice if I can tell it to connect to 8002 instead and control the 2nd instance of VTS instead of my primary one.
heya! yes, an oversight on my part! will be added soon, hopefully by the end of next week at worst. In the meantime, you can load the second model as a live2d item by dragging the models folder directly into the program while another model is loaded
If you need further explanations for that, check out our discord server and we will try to give you a better hand there https://discord.gg/cCXksNG8fY
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Hi there! Seems really cool!
However, I'm really interested in kinda API or a workaround to pass text directly (bypassing Twitch command like "say" in Twitch Chat as shown in the tutorial). My idea is to pass ChatGPT's text straight for the TTS so that the model pronounce the provided text. Looking forward for the answer! Thanks :)
heya! feel free to come by the server and i can give you a hand to connect to the program through local websockets or webhooks. Funtionality is there we are just a bit behind in proper documentation of it
For chatgpt in particular, we will be releasing an implementation for it directly in the program on June, so in case you don't want to deal with connecting to vtspog with API, soon the program will take care of that for you :D
Getting this all setup but I'm not finding the Vnyan node graph for 3D pets. That the installation video said should be contained within the zipped package we download.
heya! i think we are already talking in twitter dms, in case not the same person, there's a 3D.zip file you can download on the itchio page that has all the 3d related files. Hope it helps!
Heya, is there a way to add a speech bubble next to the png pet with text redeemed by the viewer?
yes! download the captions addon zip file or generate the browser source using this link that allows you to set up font style, color and such https://vtspog.com/caption/editor.html , then you just drag and drop the browser source to obs and it will auto connect to vtspog
Hi, I have issues for the audio not appearing in stream for my viewers but I can hear it fine on my end. If anyone can direct me to a tutorial on what I'm supposed to do, I'll be immensely grateful ^-^
But I like the plugin and if I manage to get the audio output to work, my chat is going to have a really great time messing with the commands
heya! If you dont want to capture vtspog audio without fully capturing desktop audio you have in general two options.
The one we recommend is using this obs plugin here https://github.com/bozbez/win-capture-audio which lets you capture the audio of an specific program individually, once installed you need to capture the audio coming from vts-pog-helper.exe and you should be fine (this is the method I use myself)
The other method is by routing the audio through a virtual cable and then capturing that on obs and outputting that to your headphones/speakers, but its a a bit more complex and a bit unreliable, so I highly recommend that first method.
Hopefully it helps!
Hello there! I'm using OBS 29 and it has the Application Audio Capture function that seems to be a in-house version of that plugin
But the issue I'm having is the capture only has VTS-POG.exe as an option, not the vts-pog-helper.exe where the audio actually seems to be coming through.
Any ideas?
Heya! the obs function you mention works a bit differently than that plugin. Different enough that it doesn't capture vtspog audio output. Sadly at the moment the plugin is the only option if you want to split the audio that way
I'm running into a problem where my hotkeys play normally before the TTS runs, but if the model is loaded as an item, it will not trigger at all (using regular hotkeys will still do the job). Bug or just a me problem?
heya! sounds like more of a VtubeStudio setup problem. For hotkeys inside items to run properly you need to first load the item as a normal model to set up the hotkeys with a name(important) and then move it back to the item folder. In the main model that will load the item model, you need to set up a Live2D item action and call that specific hotkey from the item (find it by the model name and by the hotkey name).
Mind you, these hotkeys are limited to mainly expressions and animations. You can always come by our discord server if you have any further questions ♥
could you add a setting that allows ppl to just type the text they want , and the app would read it without them having to do the !say command , it would be lovely
like read all chat or so the streamer can send messages? Cause we have a floating small window you can open that allows you to focus on it while playing games, type, send and then continue playing. If its reading all chat messages, it can be a bit spammy, i don't know if we want to encourage it as a core function... But i can send you a mixitup setup that will make vtspog do so if you want, just come over the server and i can guide you through it
Does the PNG mode support .gif or .Apng as frames? Or if not is that in the plans? I'm a pngtuber with an obsession with making things move ahah
thank you in advance! Super cool program
heya! if you check the png browser sources theres a few that uses gif~ in case you are having problems with them though come over to our discord server and i can give you a hand worst case :D
I wouldn't mind seeing VTS POG for HONK VTuber Lipsync Suite: https://dreamtoaster.itch.io/honk
It's a PNGTuber Display Program that supports mic-based lipsync for PNGTuber Avatars. Just a thought.
heya! mmm could be fun. We did talk with other png oriented programs but not with them in particular. I will add it to the trello and when I finish wrapping this update i will attempt to contact the devs to see if an implementation will be possible~
Thanks! I just thought this would be a fun addition to VTS POG.
for sure! thank you so much for the suggestion. The program has grown and continues to grow due to suggestions like this ♥
You're Welcome!
this would pop off if you add chat gpt intergration. any thoughts about that?
yep! we are checking into it and considering the best way to go about it. We want to give enough tools so that streamers and use it while feeling safe with enough options and filters
awesome, im hyped. cant wait.
Ayoo! Hyped for this one as well! Where I can find link for server where I can ask some question a bit easier? And also question - once I'll buy vts once, I will be able to download updates as well, right? OwO
heya! you can find our discord server link the shops page, is at the bottom. And vtspog is a one time purchase, you will always get access to all future updates :D
I'm a mute and content creator. Would this work to only speak things that the streamer types in chat... so that there is audible feedback of what I type, think it would give the stream more life than my avi just being there not talking. If not im interested in commissioning this...
heya! we dont have that in particular but we DO HAVE an optional popup windows you can open that does that. Basically if you are playing the game and you have that windows open, you can press F1 , type, press enter, the message you typed will be read and then continue gaming if that makes sense.
Feel free to come by to our server and i can send you a video of how that works if you want. You can also show that text on screen too as an overlay in obs or streamlabs
Hiya does anyone know if most recent version has a kill switch for TTS in progress? I shut down the program but th TTS continues to play without being cut off.
heya! make sure you didnt send it to tray by accident, but yes, there's also a hotkey you can bind to fully disable tts from playing and processing. If you have any more questions do come by to our discord server that you can find in the shop page and we probably can give you a better hand there ♥
Hello! Is there a way to link the alerts TTS from stream elements to the VTS P.O.G? I can't seem to make it work if so :/
heya! no, but you can set up the chat messages some chatbot generate onalerts to trigger a tts response, check on the server in the faq at the end, noctapus put an image explaining it https://discord.gg/cCXksNG8fY
If its not clear enough, feel free to ask in chat there and i will try to give you a hand
Help! my TTS bot is just saying "boop booop boop" instead of the text, can you help me? or have any ideas?
Yeah, hi the one having issues is me. To summarize, the program worked when i first set it up, it read the 'pog online pog' line, then i clicked on amazon poly out of interest then switched back to stream elements then suddenly no voice. I shut down the plug in and loaded it back up and then suddenly, without me changing the text my tts will only say "Boop boop boop" regardless of the fact it says 'pog online pog' in the tts line, or whatever the channel point redeem says. I've tried shutting down the plug in, but every time now it's just boop boop boop.
heya! check the banned words, theres a bug where if you left a comma at the end seems to ban ALL words by accident. It will be fixed in the next update, sorry for the trouble. IF you cant fix it with that, please make a thread in the discord server and we will try to give you a hand to make it work ♥
thank you!
Am I missing the option to choose a port to connect to or will this be added later? I use 2 instances of VTS to have a 2nd model loaded in, but this defaults to port 8001. It would be nice if I can tell it to connect to 8002 instead and control the 2nd instance of VTS instead of my primary one.
heya! yes, an oversight on my part! will be added soon, hopefully by the end of next week at worst. In the meantime, you can load the second model as a live2d item by dragging the models folder directly into the program while another model is loaded
If you need further explanations for that, check out our discord server and we will try to give you a better hand there https://discord.gg/cCXksNG8fY
Ooo, I'll give that a shot too. Thank you so much!
no problem and sorry for the trouble ♥♥♥ Keep us updated in what we can help ya with :D
Uhm. I did everything shown in the tutorial but the Play text button is not working. I tried every output device but still nothing.
heya! im sad to hear that D: if you can, come over to our discord server and i will try to give you a hand ♥ https://discord.gg/cCXksNG8fY
can u make an option for it to read chat without commands too? :3
like full on unhinged madness? 🤔 It could go well hand in hand with another small feature in the making... Let me write it down